(中文) 2017城市遊牧影展5月11日起盛大開幕,主視覺及超強競賽評審陣容亮相!

(中文) 2017第16屆城市遊牧影展即將自5月11日至21日間,於西門町真善美戲院盛大展映,限量預售套票4月中旬正式啟售,完整片單即將於下周起陸續公布。今年競賽單元評審陣容十分亮眼,邀請到知名音樂人陳珊妮、金鐘獎導演辛建宗,以及水越設計/都市酵母創辦人Agua(周育如)熱情助陣,而影展主視覺則由設計新星Misc(林佳齡)再度操刀,四位不同領域的創作者為今年的遊牧影展帶來全新火花!

2017 Festival Submissions: OPEN LIST

The Urban Nomad Open Call officially closed on Feb 20 at midnight. This year, we received 210 submissions for Taiwan Film Competition, 82 for Out of Competition and 65 for Taiwan Music Video Competition. To check if your works are successfully submitted, here’s the open list, which you can search by film title.