mouse on the keys, METALCHICKS, Buckman Coe to play 2019 Urban Nomad Freakout

Back for the fifth straight year, Urban Nomad’s two-day music festival, the Urban Nomad Freakout, will bring its carnival of fun and weirdness back to Taipei’s Tiger Mountain on April 13-14. Headliners include Japan’s piano post-rockers Mouse on the Keys, fresh off North American tours and releases of a new album and EP, and the female duo METALCHICKS, featuring guitarist suGar Yoshinaga (Buffalo Daughter) and drummer Yuka Yoshimura (OOIOO, DMBQ). Canadian recording artist Buckman Coe will bring his soulful R&B and rootsy world rhythms.


Urban Nomad in 2019: Music Fest Apr. 13-14; Film Fest May 16-26

Urban Nomad’s two-day music festival, the Urban Nomad Freakout, will return to Taipei’s Tiger Mountain on April 13-14. The Urban Nomad Film Fest will be held one month later, from May 16 to 26, at the Wonderful Theater in Ximen. April and May will also see other warmup events, parties, special screenings, talks and appearances. For info, follow us here on our official website or on our Facebook or Instagram pages. 


(中文) 【座談紀錄】當音樂遇上影像

(中文) 1980年代,「音樂錄影帶」一詞正式被使用,音樂不再是只有旋律和歌詞,僅能用耳朵才能享受的娛樂。而現在呢?從電影、電視到電腦、手機,人們能快速獲得娛樂的管道因科技而大幅增加,隨時都能享受到豐富的感官刺激的年代下,「音樂錄影帶」又進化成甚麼樣子了?這場分享會,我們將邀請音樂電影品牌「翻面映畫」總監林查拉,以及今年入圍2018城市遊牧影展MV競賽的導演,來談談他們所認為的音樂與影像之間的關係,以及在音樂錄影帶創作上的心得與改變。
