(中文) 在德州奧斯丁迷幻音樂祭Levitation我覺得最妙的是,大家有好東西會互相分享,像是啤酒全場傳,不用花錢就會一直傳過來了 ! 根本就是天堂!第二次去Levitation時,音樂祭臨時取消,被迫去住了超詭異的汽車旅館,沒有床架,就是兩個床墊,下面那個還有食物殘渣,走廊上真的會躺醉漢,但回想起來其實很有趣,最慘的部份是每次回台灣都感覺像是下地獄,都會憂鬱好幾個月……。
Details(中文) 2017第16屆城市遊牧影展即將自5月11日至21日間,於西門町真善美戲院盛大展映,限量預售套票4月中旬正式啟售,完整片單即將於下周起陸續公布。今年競賽單元評審陣容十分亮眼,邀請到知名音樂人陳珊妮、金鐘獎導演辛建宗,以及水越設計/都市酵母創辦人Agua(周育如)熱情助陣,而影展主視覺則由設計新星Misc(林佳齡)再度操刀,四位不同領域的創作者為今年的遊牧影展帶來全新火花!
DetailsThis year we asked Taipei artist Da-bao, a.k.a. Joey Okay, to draw the key visual for our 2017 Urban Nomad Opening Freakout. She’s already got a following on Instagram, so we were kind of surprised that this was her first commercial gig! Check out some of her other drawings below. The interview is unfortunately Chinese only — go to the Chinese site to read it.
Details(中文) 第二波公佈名單包括:宛如Jack Johnson與Ben Harper再加上Jeff Buckley的華裔音樂人Buckman Coe、十足龐克,愉悅滿點,又髒又爽,以強而有力的態度唱出都會青年生活日常的台北龐克搖滾樂隊傷心欲絕、聲音藝術家黑狼黃大旺、前地下電子樂隊閃閃閃閃主唱阿彭個人音樂計劃,操作現場玩具噪音實驗聲響演出的Meuko! Meuko!等。
DetailsThe Urban Nomad Open Call officially closed on Feb 20 at midnight. This year, we received 210 submissions for Taiwan Film Competition, 82 for Out of Competition and 65 for Taiwan Music Video Competition. To check if your works are successfully submitted, here’s the open list, which you can search by film title.
DetailsKeep reading to see article links.
DetailsThis year Urban Nomad’s opening music event will expand to become a two-day festival with 30 bands and DJs at Tiger Mountain in Taipei. Keep reading for more info!
DetailsSorry, this entry is only available in 中文.