(中文) 超禁忌中國政治紀錄片《流氓燕》導演王男袱等多位國際影人相繼抵台,遊牧影展明日起正式開跑!

(中文) 第15屆城市遊牧影展明日(5月12日)於西門町真善美戲院正式開跑,中國人權議題紀錄片《流氓燕》將為影展揭幕,這也將是本片首度在兩岸三地開映演,導演王男袱已於昨天抵台。除此之外,《B級片:地下柏林》男主角Mark Reeder也將於周末抵達,不僅要與觀眾分享他在80年代與塗鴉大師凱斯哈林、傳奇音樂人大衛鮑伊等人同一時期漫遊於西柏林的經驗,也將以首席電子音樂DJ身分在台演出。

An E-Chat with B-Movie Star Mark Reeder

“I was firstly, joy division’s german rep/radio & press promoter, then after Factory Records was formed, I was designated factory records german representative by Tony Wilson – Tony later confessed to me he thought it looked good on paper – and my friend Rob Gretton who was joy division’s manager (which really meant I was joy divisions promoter for the label)”

POW! WOW! Taiwan to host Art War Q&A

To make the film Art War, director Marco Wilms spent two years working closely with the graffiti artists of Cairo during the violence and uncertainty of the Arab Spring of 2011 and 2012. For Urban Nomad’s screening in Taipei on May 16, we’ve invited the organizer of the biggest local street art event Pow! Wow! Taiwan Larry Chen to host the Q&A.