Take Every Wave: The life of laird hamilton

Rory Kennedy/2017/US/118min/English/Chinese subtitles / Taiwan premier This bio-doc tracks the remarkable life and legendary career of big wave surfer and oddball athlete Laird Hamilton. Probably more than any other individual, Laird has shaped the sport of surfing as it exists today, and yet he did it as a complete amateur, never entering a surf competition because…


(中文) 2018城市遊牧影展時代揭幕女力時代,世界首支全女子龐克團The Slits紀錄片霸氣領軍!

(中文) 2018城市遊牧影展即將自5月17日至27日間,於西門町真善美戲院盛大展映。今年,呼應全球性別平權議題發展,遊牧影展將聚焦獨立音樂、藝術創作與社會運動中的女性身影,完整片單即將於下周起陸續公布。此外,更邀請到金馬首席設計師加入競賽單元評審陣容,來自不同領域、國家的評審們,更持續為電影創作注入新穎而多元的視角。