[fullwidth backgroundcolor=”#f6f6f6″ backgroundimage=”” backgroundrepeat=”no-repeat” backgroundposition=”top left” backgroundattachment=”fixed” video_webm=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_preview_image=”” overlay_color=”” overlay_opacity=”0.5″ video_mute=”yes” video_loop=”yes” fade=”no” bordersize=”1px” bordercolor=”#e5e4e4″ borderstyle=”” paddingtop=”10px” paddingbottom=”20px” paddingleft=”0px” paddingright=”0px” menu_anchor=”” equal_height_columns=”no” hundred_percent=”no” class=”” id=””][title size=”1″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]派對資訊 | BASIC PARTY INFO[/title][fusion_text]
很廟的舞台 | MAIN STAGE:
The Drowned Shrimp (JP), 司卡拉OK大樂隊Skaraoke, 白目樂隊White Eyes, 馬克白Macbeth, 森林合唱團Forests, Marcus Aurelius, Golden (JP), DC & the Funky Duds and more!
華衛音樂自救會, Hi-Five, Resident Soul, and more to be announced!
時間 | Time: 4/18 (Sat / 六), 2pm – midnight
地點 | Place: 微遠虎山 台北市信義區福德街221巷186-1號
Tiger Mountain, No.186-1, Ln. 221, Fude St., Xinyi Dist, Taipei
門票 | Tix: $500 advance / $650 door
預售 | Buy Tickets: www.iNDIEVOX.com, KGB, AMPM, Toasteria, Shrimp Daddy
資訊|Info: www.urbannomad.tw
搞怪的遊牧影展開幕趴全面進化,這次將有七組國內外樂團加上電死人DJ舞台首度在微遠虎山為你帶來從晚到早的戶外派對。什麼,在山裡?!你以為我們在耍孤僻?正好相反,我們為Club Kid準備最好的淨化場地,拯救你被凡塵俗事操勞過度的衰弱神經。
我的天啊,蝦子要來了!!!呃,等等,或許你對蝦子不以為意,但我們跟你打包票,絕沒見過這麼蝦的。曾贏得日本富士音樂祭最佳新進樂團的「溺蝦驗屍報告」,多次被封為「史上最怪異樂團」。團員穿著用39元商店買來的霓虹蝦子裝大玩日式Funk,奔放的合成器節奏自由大膽,真不知道該把這個團歸類成新世紀、復古、前衛還是未來系。台上的蝦老大像來自外太空的古怪巫師,雙眼向台下發射螢光,台下早就沒有人類,只有隨著音樂舞動蝦頭的甲殼動物,整場表演就像走進一場古老部落的獻祭儀式。此外,來自台灣的Ska樂團Skaraoke、深受台灣樂迷喜愛的暴女龐克白目樂隊、曲風冷洌,色調黑暗深沉的馬克白樂隊、無法定義卻充滿爆發力的森林合唱樂團、各大派對掌門人Marcus Aurelius…等,帶來強勁又生猛的音樂表演,一個不小心,你還會被綁架上台,只為讓現場氣氛更歡樂。準備好跳腳尖叫了嗎?這場眾蝦鼓躁的暴動派對,保證是蝦到你的完美演出!
This year Urban Nomad’s opening party will morph into a full-blown music festival, with seven bands on a main stage, a DJ stage, a full day outdoor music festival, vendors, and okay, here’s the thing — THE SHRIMPS ARE COMING! You may think you have seen shrimps before, but you have never seen shrimps like these. They are an eight-piece funk band from Japan that takes the stage dressed as prawns, playing wild, tribal, 70s lo-fi funk. We have filled out the rest of the lineup with the best bands and DJs we can find: Skaraoke, White Eyes, Macbeth, Forests, Marcus Aurelius and others. And we’ve asked them to create the strangest, wildest musical performances they can. Because this is SHRIMP MANIA!!! Guaranteed to be Taiwan’s shrimpiest concert ever!
[/fusion_text][title size=”1″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]預售票 | TICKET INFO [/title][fusion_text]★★★★ 預售票 | PRESALE TICKET LOCATIONS ★★★★
門票 | Tix: $500 advance / $650 door
★ iNDIEVOX 線上預售 | ONLINE TICKET SALES:http://goo.gl/4mVhGo
★ KGB 台北市師大路114巷5號 5, Lane 114, Shida Rd, (02) 2363-6015
★ White Wabbit Records 小白兔唱片 台北市大安區浦城街21巷1-1號 (02) 2369-7915
★ Toasteria (忠孝Zhongxiao) 台北市忠孝東路4段248巷2號 2, Ln 248, Sec 4, Zhongxiao E Rd
★ Toasteria (敦南Tunhua) 台北市敦化南路1段169巷3號 3. Lane 169, Sec 1, Tunhua S Rd
★ AMPM 忠孝東路四段205巷26弄5號1樓C店面 5, Alley 26, Ln 205, Sec 4, Zhongxiao E Rd
★ Shrimp Daddy 北市光復南路180巷11號 11, Alley 180, Guangfu S. Rd[/fusion_text][title size=”1″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]地點與交通 | LOCATION & TRANSPORT[/title][fusion_text]
捷運1:後山埤站, 走路約10-15分鐘可抵達
捷運2:象山站, 走路約20-25分鐘可抵達, 或轉信義幹線公車到奉天宮站
開車:微遠虎山隔壁有付費停車場, 30元/小時
Miculture Foundation is a private estate in a small valley at the bottom of Tiger Mountain, just a 5-minute taxi ride from Taipei 101.
Address: #186-1, Lane 221, Fude St., Xinyi Dist, Taipei.
MRT: Houshanpi Station, 12 minute walk
MRT: Xiangshan Station, 20 minute walk (or take the Xinyi Line bus to Fengtian Temple)
DIRECTIONS: Follow Xinyi Rd until it becomes Fude St. Continue for 1km and turn right at the brown sign to the Fengtian Temple (奉天宮). Walk past the temple 150 meters, up a hill and you will see signs for SHRIMP MANIA on your left.
CAR PARKING: available for $30 / hour
MAP: https://goo.gl/maps/6ZvQg[/fusion_text][separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”” bottom_margin=”” sep_color=”” icon=”” width=”” class=”” id=””][/fullwidth][fullwidth backgroundcolor=”#fff” backgroundimage=”” backgroundrepeat=”no-repeat” backgroundposition=”top left” backgroundattachment=”fixed” video_webm=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_preview_image=”” overlay_color=”” overlay_opacity=”0.5″ video_mute=”yes” video_loop=”yes” fade=”no” bordersize=”0px” bordercolor=”#e5e4e4″ borderstyle=”” paddingtop=”50px” paddingbottom=”25px” paddingleft=”0px” paddingright=”0px” menu_anchor=”” equal_height_columns=”no” hundred_percent=”no” class=”” id=””][title size=”1″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Main Stage 大舞台[/title][recent_works layout=”grid-with-excerpts” picture_size=”fixed” boxed_text=”unboxed” filters=”no” columns=”3″ column_spacing=”12″ cat_slug=”main-stage” exclude_cats=”” number_posts=”8″ excerpt_length=”20″ animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″ class=”” id=””][/recent_works][/fullwidth][fullwidth backgroundcolor=”#fff” backgroundimage=”” backgroundrepeat=”no-repeat” backgroundposition=”top left” backgroundattachment=”fixed” video_webm=”” video_mp4=”” video_ogv=”” video_preview_image=”” overlay_color=”” overlay_opacity=”0.5″ video_mute=”yes” video_loop=”yes” fade=”no” bordersize=”0px” bordercolor=”#e5e4e4″ borderstyle=”” paddingtop=”50px” paddingbottom=”25px” paddingleft=”0px” paddingright=”0px” menu_anchor=”” equal_height_columns=”no” hundred_percent=”no” class=”” id=””][title size=”1″ content_align=”left” style_type=”single” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]DJ ZONE | DJ 區[/title][recent_works layout=”grid-with-excerpts” picture_size=”fixed” boxed_text=”unboxed” filters=”no” columns=”3″ column_spacing=”12″ cat_slug=”dj-zone” exclude_cats=”” number_posts=”8″ excerpt_length=”20″ animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″ class=”” id=””][/recent_works][/fullwidth][fusion_text][/fusion_text]