Short 2: Forgotten Territories

What came first, the chicken or the egg? The map or the territory? History is constantly being written, forgotten and re-written. Here is a program of films about historical memory, including Taiwan, Japan, Korea and one crazy Russian vlogger. .

Short 3: We Just Live Here

Everyone lives in their own way, but we all breath the same air. The first two films are about places and the people who live in them. Then there is a third film about two men and a baby.

Short 6: Momsters and Other Women

If you are a short film addict, then this is the program for you! The theme is a cheery thread that runs through all of these films, sometimes ironically, sometimes not — I hate my life! What better omnibus for a collection of films by and about Taiwanese youth!
Moms, sometimes it’s a Freudian thing, but not always. The thread running through this program is women, fertility, mothers, daughters and lovers. This program is about the yin, not the yang.