(中文) 《Wacken傳奇》來自台灣的Cielu參加金屬音樂祭專訪!!
(中文) Wacken Open Air自1990年創辦,原本只是德國小鎮的平凡音樂節,後來竟搖身一變成為歐洲最大金屬音樂祭,吸引全世界近八萬金屬頭共襄盛舉,來自台灣的Cielu也親自飛到德國參加金屬祭!!還因此成為影片受訪對像之一,帶大家看第一手獨家專訪。
Details(中文) Wacken Open Air自1990年創辦,原本只是德國小鎮的平凡音樂節,後來竟搖身一變成為歐洲最大金屬音樂祭,吸引全世界近八萬金屬頭共襄盛舉,來自台灣的Cielu也親自飛到德國參加金屬祭!!還因此成為影片受訪對像之一,帶大家看第一手獨家專訪。
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“I was firstly, joy division’s german rep/radio & press promoter, then after Factory Records was formed, I was designated factory records german representative by Tony Wilson – Tony later confessed to me he thought it looked good on paper – and my friend Rob Gretton who was joy division’s manager (which really meant I was joy divisions promoter for the label)”
DetailsTo make the film Art War, director Marco Wilms spent two years working closely with the graffiti artists of Cairo during the violence and uncertainty of the Arab Spring of 2011 and 2012. For Urban Nomad’s screening in Taipei on May 16, we’ve invited the organizer of the biggest local street art event Pow! Wow! Taiwan Larry Chen to host the Q&A.
Details(中文) 遊牧影展耗時五年邀片,終於讓影史上唯一兩度獲得日舞影展評審團大獎的新銳導演Ondi Timoner作品搬上台灣大銀幕!一直以獨立紀錄片導演身分活動的Ondi Timoner,堅持讓藝術創作擁有最大的發言權,並保留前衛獨到的觀點,今年,遊牧影展終於如願選映了她的三部新作!
DetailsFrom the DJ Temple, balloon animals and acro-yoga to headliner bands Mop of Head, Outlet Drift, Coach and others, check out some photos from the 2016 Urban Nomad Opening Freakout. More are coming soon.
Details(中文) 城市遊牧影展今年開幕片選映《流氓燕》(Hooligan Sparrow),大膽揭密中共高壓政治黑箱,全片以隱藏式攝影機完成拍攝,日舞影展首映震驚了民主世界的觀眾。多次入圍金鐘獎的獨立導演辛建宗最新長片《澤水困》(Aground)、以及由林依晨擔綱製片的短片《迷途台北》(Trippin’ in Taipei)將雙雙於影展閉幕當日世界首映。
Details(中文) 資深樂迷、影迷有目共睹,城市遊牧影展的音樂紀錄片已成為全台影展中最獨樹一格的代表單元,每年為台灣樂迷引進各式各樣其他管道無緣觀賞到的作品,且不分曲風、不限類型,任何音樂在遊牧大銀幕上,都有屬於自己的舞台!
DetailsThe 2016 Urban Nomad Film Fest received more than 400 open submissions in 2016, including 40 films over 60 minutes in length, 295 short films and 72 music videos. Aside from Taiwan, films were submitted from Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, the US, France, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine and other countries.