Urban Nomad Award Nominees Announced!

Award nominees have been announced for Urban Nomad’s annual film competition. Of around 300 films submitted to the competition, 11 nominees have been chosen for awards to be determined by the festival jury, including the Urban Nomad Grand Prize, Urban Nomad Jury Prize and Far East Rising Star Award. Award winners will be announced at a ceremony preceding Urban Nomad’s 2019 Closing Film, taking place on May 26 at 7pm. Congratulations to the nominees! For the full list, see below!

Taiwan’s Top 8 Music Videos for 2019!

(中文) 台灣MV競賽入圍名單出爐! 105部作品中評審絞盡腦汁選出了8部優秀MV作品, 即將於本屆城市遊牧影展與音樂大雜燴單元裡的音樂電影一起放映。而他們將角逐獎金高達新台幣10,000元的《遊牧最佳MV獎》,得主即將在5/26(日)19:00的閉幕片暨典禮上揭曉!