To submit a film: CLICK HERE!

Please note that competition information is not yet complete and that we will still update some key info and deadlines. However, since several filmmakers have already contacted us asking about the competition, we want to open submissions. Just make sure to check back in January 2016 to confirm the info. We may change a few things. Thanks!

DEADLINE: Feb 29, 2016

Urban Nomad’s annual competition is for Taiwanese films and music videos. Total prizes in 2015 were NTD$60,000 and cash prizes for 2016 will be announced in early 2016. We also select international films out of competition, including both features and shorts.

Since 2015, Urban Nomad has opened its main prize to Taiwanese films of any length. Previously, the competition was limited to Taiwanese short films only, but since there are a growing number of quality feature-length films produced in Taiwan, we have decided to make narrative features and documentary features eligible for the main prize.

A film qualifies for Urban Nomad’s Taiwanese film awards if it meets ANY of the following criteria:

  • the filmmakers is Taiwanese
  • the filmmaker is a resident of Taiwan
  • the film is produced in Taiwan

Urban Nomad has the right to decide any questions of eligibility.

Internet videos can count as short films! We would also like to emphasize that the competition is open to Internet-based videos, including those created for YouTube, Vimeo, Vine or other platforms. Internet films will be considered as short films and are welcome to join the competition.

We are looking for Taiwanese feature films that can be considered as an opening or closing film for our festival. To be considered, your film must be a Taiwan premier.


Urban Nomad’s Short Films are defined as 40 minutes or less and must apply through the online application form. Taiwanese films will be eligible for competition if the filmmakers is Taiwanese, OR the filmmaker is a resident of Taiwan, OR the film is produced in Taiwan. Urban Nomad reserves the right to determine all questions of eligibility. International films will be for exhibition only.


This is a prize for Taiwanese music videos by independent artists and directors of exceptional music videos. Once the 2015 nominees are announced in April, MTV will show the nominees as part of normal programming along with a message saying, “Urban Nomad Top 10 MV of 2015”. MVs will be screened at the festival before music-themed feature films and directors and bands will be invited for a short Q&A.

Music Videos (MVs) can be 1) by Taiwanese bands or artists, 2) by Taiwanese directors, or 3) by directors or musicians living in Taiwan. In case there are questions of eligibility, Urban Nomad has the right to decide the eligibility any submitted MV. You must apply online, and please note, the Music Video Form is different from the Film Application Form!


If you have a Taiwanese or international feature film, please contact us directly by email with information about your film, including an online screener. The majority of our feature films are curated, with most selections complete by the end of February 2016, so we encourage you to contact us as early as possible! To qualify for prizes, you must enter the competition and fill out the application form. If you want us to consider your film out of competition (i.e. for exhibition only), or are an overseas film director, producer or film agent and have any questions about the festival, just send us an email: [email protected]


Urban Nomad’s short film section is mainly for Taiwanese films, however we show a handful of excellent international films each year. If you would like to send us an international short film, please use the Film Submissions Form.


Information to be announced in 2016.


In addition to the chance to win cash prizes, film directors gain access to Urban Nomad events including screenings, parties, discussions and other events. Your film will be listed in our annual catalog, on our website and publicity materials. It will also be seen by hundreds or possibly thousands of people in at least three cities in Taiwan.


– The February 29, 2016 deadlines is for RECEIVING films (not mailing films).
– A film qualifies as Taiwanese if the filmmakers is Taiwanese, OR the filmmaker is a resident of Taiwan, OR the film is produced in Taiwan.
– Short films are defined as 40 minutes or less
– Feature length films of 40 minutes or more are now eligible for competition
– Year of production must be 2014 or later
– It is an advantage if your film has both Chinese and English. Ideally, Chinese language films should have English subtitles, and all other films should have Chinese subtitles.
– Films under 15 minutes stand a greater chance of getting accepted.
– If you created a 30-minute film for a school assignment, we recommend you re-edit it to a shorter version.
– Do not submit the same film you submitted in previous years.
– You must make one application for every film you submit
– We will accept a maximum of 5 film submissions by any individual applicant
– If you send your film by mail, it should be a DVD, .mpg or .mov file.
– You can send more than one DVD in a single package
– No submission fee is required
– Urban Nomad has the right to determine all questions of competition eligibility

SUBMISSION FORMAT: online screener, DVD (NTSC), .mov or mpeg2

Urban Nomad Film Fest
3F #6, Lane 6, Sec. 1, Hangzhou South Rd, Taipei

城市遊牧影展 收

[email protected]

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