Underground Brooklyn vs. Underworld Taipei
地下布魯克林 vs. 地下社會
今年開幕片《再見地下布魯克林》看完還意猶未盡嗎?我們邀請到《再》片導演Matt Conboy和製片Amanda Schultz,他們記錄整個「仕紳化」後被消失的威廉斯堡傳奇地下音樂展演空間「Death By Audio」,看完電影再與台灣獨立音樂場景作對照,預見獨立音樂產業和地下音樂空間的未來。當然,想知道你最愛的樂團的八卦,或是關於音樂的二三事也都非常歡迎!
To complement screenings of Goodnight Brooklyn, a documentary about how gentrification killed the legendary Williamsburg music venue Death By Audio, we’ll invite the film’s director Matt Conboy and producer Amanda Schultz to connect with folks from Taiwan’s indie music scene. Expect some prognosis for the future of indie music and DIY venues, but also feel free to ask about your favorite bands or just music in general.
Matt Conboy
Goodnight Brooklyn director, former manager of Death By Audio
《再見地下布魯克林》導演、前「Death By Audio」音樂空間經理
Amanda Schultz
Goodnight Brooklyn producer
Kyp Malone, musician 樂手 (TV on the Radio)
何東洪 Tunghung Ho
地下社會創辦人 Underworld founder
小姚 Xiao Yao
地下社會經理 Underworld manager
時間 Time
5/13 (六/Sat) 3:30-4:45pm
地點 Location
Taipei Cinema Park Exhibition Hall
19 Kangding Rd, Taipei
講座語 Language
English and Chinese